Monday, April 30, 2012

Civic bodies ready, staff not yet

Civic bodies ready, staff not yet

The three new municipal corporations are set to be functional in a few days, but division of staff has not been finalised yet. The swearing in of councillors of the North corporation and the election of its mayor will be held on Monday, and that for the East and South corporations will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday respectively.
“So far, the distribution of staff has been done only for the commissioner’s and the municipal secretary’s offices. The division of the civic agency’s staff has not been finalised,” said a senior official.
The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) had earlier decided that the staff of the three corporations will report to their respective head offices starting May 1. The staff of the East corporation has to report to work at the Patparganj DSIIDC office. The North and South corporations will be seated at the Civic Centre.
“The new corporations will be operational immediately after the first general body meeting. As soon as mayors are elected and councillors take oath, the civic bodies will be considered functional. But the unavailability of departmental staff will make their functioning chaotic,” said the official.
Sources said the delay was due to haphazard distribution of staff. “Initially, it was decided that the officials would be divided as per their residential address and the office closest to their homes. (But) officials are being divided between the three corporations randomly. The officials are resisting this random division,” said an official.
Meanwhile, Additional Commissioner (Estate) Janak Diggal said the staff distribution is in process. “The distribution is almost complete. Department-wise division of staff is in process. It will be completed before the corporations start functioning.”

Source: Indian Express

No Reservation in Promotion: Supreme Court

Source: Dainik Bhaskar

Haryana bars pregnant teachers from working

Haryana bars pregnant teachers from working

Chandigarh: New rules notified recently in Haryana bar more than 12-week pregnant teachers recruited in Haryana from joining work till they deliver and produce fitness certificates. They would not be entitled to get their salaries and other perks during that period. 
    “Those who are over 12-week pregnant will stand temporally unfit till the confinement (delivery) is over. (Before joining work) senior medical officers or civil surgeons will re-examine them to check their fitness,’’ said an official. 
    State school education department director Sameer Pal Srow justified the move. “It is not discrimination. We are just trying to avoid the loss of studies to students as pregnant women go on vacation shortly after joining duty,’’ he said. “Not only Haryana, even Himachal Pradesh is also following the similar practice.’’ 
    Haryana School Teachers Association (HSTA) protested the move and sent memorandums to the chief minister. “It is discrimination against women. Pregnancy is not their fault or weakness but it is the right of a woman to be a mother. A woman conceives the baby not only for herself but for the entire family,” said HSTA president Vazir Singh. “Women employees get maternity leave for 180 days. It seems that the government is trying to save salaries during this period. We will continue our protest against the decision.’’ 
    Lawyer Rajiv Godara said maternity leave is the right of women. “If the government is really serious about the studies of students, it should find out an alternative mechanism but not at the cost of women’s rights.’’

Source: Times of India

Fitch withdraws 'AA' rating awarded to MCD following trifurcation

Fitch withdraws 'AA' rating awarded to MCD following trifurcation 

NEW DELHI: International agency Fitch Ratings today withdrew its 'AA' rating awarded to Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) following the civic body's trifurcation. 

In a statement, Fitch Ratings said it has withdrawn MCD's National Long-Term rating of 'Fitch AA-(Ind)/Stable. 

"The rating withdrawal is due to the trifurcation of the local body effective from April 30. As a result, MCD will cease to exist from May 1. The agency will no longer provide ratings or analytical coverage of MCD," it said. 

Fitch Ratings, in its report last September, affirmed the National Long-Term Rating of "AA-(ind)" to MCD and said the civic body's outlook was stable. 

An 'AA' national rating denotes expectations of very low default risk relative to other issuers or obligations in the same country. 

It had then advised the MCD to improve revenue income saying it would provide a "sufficient cushion" to its finances and act as a positive rating trigger. 

The agency had commended the MCD for earning carbon credits in better management of revenue and capital accounts, increase in tax and non-tax revenues and launching of e-governance project and even said coverage of solid waste services in Delhi is "much better" than in other large cities in India. 

It also noted that the quality of roads coverage and other civic infrastructure in Delhi are much better than that of other cities in India. 

However, the rating agency was critical of MCD's implementation of JNNURM projects saying Fitch considers that MCD may not be able to execute all the projects identified for investment. 

Source: Economic Times

Thursday, April 26, 2012

एमसीडी के कई वार्ड के जोन बदले

एमसीडी के कई वार्ड के जोन बदले
आशुतोष झा, नई दिल्ली अस्तित्व में आने से पहले ही नवगठित एमसीडी के नक्शे को बदलने की जरूरत पड़ गई। ऐसा उस कमेटी की जल्दबाजी या लापरवाही के कारण हुआ जिसे एमसीडी को तीन हिस्सों में बांटने का काम सौंपा गया था। नए परिवर्तन में उत्तरी व दक्षिणी एमसीडी के दो-दो वार्ड में उलटफेर के साथ कुल 24 वार्ड के जोन में बदलाव किया गया है। चुनाव के बाद यह आदेश दिल्ली सरकार के शहरी विकास विभाग ने जारी किया है। परिवर्तन के बाद भी दोनों एमसीडी में वार्डो की संख्या 104 ही होगी। एमसीडी वार्ड के उलटफेर को लेकर विभाजन के दौरान ही सवाल उठने लगे थे। जोन दक्षिणी एमसीडी में शामिल हो गया था, लेकिन उसके अंतर्गत आने वाला वार्ड उत्तरी एमसीडी के अधीन था। चुनाव प्रक्रिया पूरी होते ही सरकार ने दो दर्जन एमसीडी वार्ड को इधर-उधर करने का आदेश दिया है। शहरी विकास विभाग के नए आदेश के अनुसार उत्तरी एमसीडी के अंतर्गत आने वाले 22 वार्ड अब अलग-अलग एमसीडी जोन के अधीन आ जाएंगे। इसके अलावा उत्तरी एमसीडी के अंतर्गत आने वाले दो वार्डो के जोन में बदलाव किया गया है। उत्तरी एमसीडी के अंतर्गत आने वाला दो वार्ड दरियागंज और निजामुद्दीन सिटी जोन के बजाय अब सेंट्रल जोन में शामिल हो गए हैं। जोकि दक्षिणी एमसीडी का हिस्सा होगा। इस उलटफेर के संबंध में शहरी विकास विभाग के सचिव आरके श्रीवास्तव के हस्ताक्षर युक्त अधिसूचना सरकार ने जारी की है। बता दें कि नवगठित उत्तरी, दक्षिणी तथा पूर्वी एमसीडी में अंतर्गत आने वाले सभी 272 वार्ड पहले से विभाजित 12 जोन के अधीन हैं। नए गठन के अनुसार उत्तरी एमसीडी में सबसे अधिक 6 जोन और दक्षिणी एमसीडी में 4 जोन को शामिल किया गया है। यमुनापार पूर्वी एमसीडी के अंतर्गत सिर्फ दो जोन होगा।

Source:Dainik Jagran

उपायुक्त से मारपीट के आरोपी पूर्व पार्षद को तिहाड़ भेजा

उपायुक्त से मारपीट के आरोपी पूर्व पार्षद को तिहाड़ भेजा
बीते दो मार्च को आरोपी ने उपायुक्त को उनके दफ्तर में जड़ दिया था थप्पड़ 
भास्कर न्यूज त्न नई दिल्ली
राजधानी की निचली अदालत ने नगर निगम नरेला जोन के उपायुक्त के साथ मारपीट करने के आरोपी पूर्व बसपा पार्षद को न्यायिक हिरासत में तिहाड़ जेल भेज दिया है। गैरजमानती वारंट जारी होने के बाद आरोपी पार्षद ने अदालत के समक्ष समर्पण किया था।

पार्षद प्रवीण गुप्ता ने मेट्रोपॉलिटन मजिस्ट्रेट दीपक वासन के समक्ष पूर्व बसपा पार्षद ने समर्पण किया। गुप्ता के वकील ने अदालत के सामने समर्पण अर्जी दायर की, जिसके साथ हाईकोर्ट के आदेश की प्रति भी संलग्न की गई। मजिस्ट्रेट ने समर्पण अर्जी और हाईकोर्ट के आदेश को देखने के बाद आरोपी को न्यायिक हिरासत में तिहाड़ जेल भेजने के निर्देश दिए। एमएम वासन ने कहा, आरोपी को सेशन कोर्ट ने 18 अप्रैल तक अंतरिम जमानत दी थी, जिसे खारिज कर दिया गया। वहीं इस मामले में हाईकोर्ट के आदेश को देखते हुए आरोपी को आठ मई तक न्यायिक हिरासत में भेजा जाता है। गौरतलब है कि बीते दो मार्च को आरोपी प्रवीण गुप्ता ने नरेला जोन उपायुक्त कुलदीप सिंह यादव को दफ्तर में थप्पड़ जड़$ दिया था। उपायुक्त की शिकायत के अनुसार घटना के दिन वह वार्ड कमेटी की बैठक कर अपने चैंबर में बैठे हुए थे। तभी आरोपी पूर्व बसपा पार्षद प्रवीण गुप्ता गुस्से में वहां पहुंचा। इसके बाद चिल्लाने लगा। उसे समझाने की कोशिश की गई। लेकिन तभी वह अचानक उठ खड़ा हो गया कई अन्य कर्मचारियों के बीच उन्हें थप्पड़ जड़ दिया। इसके बाद फर्नीचर और फाइलों को बाहर फेंक दिया। जब वह चैंबर से बाहर कॉरिडोर पहुंचे तो वहां भी उसने दुव्र्यवहार किया। तब तक अन्य कर्मचारी वहां पहुंच गए। 

Source: Dainik Bhaskar

MCD teacher sentenced to 10 yrs in jail for dowry death

MCD teacher sentenced to 10 yrs in jail for dowry death 

A Delhi court on Wednesday sentenced an MCD school teacher to 10 years in jail for driving his 25-year-old wife to suicide by constantly harassing her for dowry “This (dowry deaths) needs to be checked with drastic measures,” Additional Session Judge Gurdeep Singh said while sentencing 
Naveen under Sections 304B and 498A of the IPC.
As per the prosecution, Naveen had married the deceased on November 26, 2004 and since then till the time of her death she was constantly harassed with dowry demands.
The judge pointed out that the young woman was married for less than a year before she died. She had just completed her MA and had diplomas in naturopathy, lab technology and railway transport management.
Section 304B of the IPC deals with the offence of dowry death, in which a woman is subjected to cruelty and harassment before her death for dowry. Section 498-A deals with cruelty by husband or his relative(s).
On the evil of dowry, the judge said “The tag of bridegroom is somewhat fixed as government jobs will fetch more dowry than a private job and it is open price tag as if it is a market.”
The court also added that the parents of the girl must be sensitive towards her suffering and should be ready to accept the girl back if she is not being treated well by her in-laws.
The judge said dowry cases have gone unreported as it has the backing of the society or that adequate punishment to these criminals is not given.

Source: Hindustan Times

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Govt bailout for corporations

Govt bailout for corporations

1831Cr Loan To Help Tide Over Liabilities & Budget Deficit


New Delhi: Delhi government on Monday decided to extend a loan of Rs 1831 crore to the three new corporations to help them tide over their liabilities and budget deficit. 
    The government has fixed an annual budgetary allocation of Rs 1724 crore (non-plan) and Rs 1771 crore (plan) for the three corporations in its budget outlay for 2012-13. 
    The state government’s loan and total budgetary allocations to the new municipalities add up to Rs 5326 crore. However, all this money comes with a reminder to the three corporations that they need to pull up their socks and rationalize tax collections, which are currently not up to the mark. 
    In a statement issued on Monday, Dikshit said, “The government is alarmed to note that MCD has outstanding contractors’ liabilities amounting to approximately Rs 600 crore and that the increase in revenue has not been commensurate with the
increase in expenditure.” 
    She said the corporations need to rationalize their tax base and seriously focus on enhancing efficiency in revenue collection. 
    Dikshit said her government expected that the new corporations “will 
exercise fiscal and financial prudence and propriety in incurring expenditure and take initiative to augment its revenue resource.” 
    The assessment of the financial health of the corporations shows that only the budget estimates of South Delhi municipal corporation are closing with a surplus. 
    Both, North Delhi municipal corporation and East Delhi municipal corporation have registered a deficit. This needs to be rectified before the budget of the two corporations is passed. 
    The Rs 1831 crore is thus being given by the state government as a loan to bridge the budget deficit and to make payments to clear contractor liabilities of Rs 600 crore. The contractor liabilities will only be cleared after due scrutiny, a senior official said. 
    As per section 110 of the Delhi Municipal Corporation Act, it is obligatory on the part of the MCD to maintain an estimated cash balance of at least Rs 1 lakh as the closing balance. 
    This means that the budget estimate of any municipal corporation cannot be closed with a balance of less than Rs 1 lakh. 
    The budget of the new corporations will be passed according to the statutory requirement on the first day of their meeting that is likely to take place between April 30 to May 1. 

Source: Times of India

Monday, April 23, 2012

नए निगमों को चलाने में अड़चन नहीं : श्रीवास्तव

नए निगमों को चलाने में अड़चन नहीं : श्रीवास्तव
नई दिल्ली, जागरण संवाददाता : नवगठित तीनों निगमों के बीच तालमेल बैठाने के लिए फरवरी में अस्तित्व में आए स्थानीय निकाय निदेशालय के निदेशक आरके श्रीवास्तव ने पहली बार निदेशालय के कामकाज के बारे में सार्वजनिक रूप से जानकारी दी। श्रीवास्तव का कहना है कि उत्तरी, दक्षिणी व पूर्वी नगर निगम के लिए प्रशासनिक, वित्तीय व कार्मिक आदि के प्रबंधन में कोई अड़चन नहीं है। तीनों निगमों के लिए आवश्यकतानुसार बजट निर्धारित हो चुका है। किसी भी निगम पर कोई देनदारी न हो, दिल्ली सरकार खास तौर से इस पर ध्यान दे रही है। उन्होंने बताया कि तीनों निगमों की पहली बैठक के लिए तिथि निर्धारित हो चुकी है। इसकी जानकारी उपराज्यपाल को भी दे दी गई है। अब तक की जानकारी के मुताबिक उत्तरी निगम की पहली बैठक 30 अप्रैल को तो दक्षिणी निगम की एक मई व पूर्वी निगम की पहली बैठक दो मई को बुलाई गई है। बताते चलें कि तीनों निगमों के लिए चुनाव प्रक्रिया संपन्न होने के बाद जैसे ही भाजपा सत्ता में आईं, पार्टी ने बंटवारे के औचित्य पर सवाल उठाते हुए केंद्र सरकार से इस पर पुनर्विचार करने की मांग की। उधर, अगले दिन शनिवार को स्थानीय निकाय निदेशालय हरकत में आ गया। इस निदेशालय के पहले निदेशक आरके श्रीवास्तव ने सुबह निगमायुक्त व अन्य आला अधिकारियों के साथ बैठक की। उन्होंने कहा कि तीन निगमों के गठन का काम पूरा हो चुका है। निगम चुनाव भी उसी के अनुसार कराए गए हैं। उत्तरी व दक्षिणी निगम का मुख्यालय सिविक सेंटर की अलग-अलग मंजिल पर तो पूर्वी निगम का मुख्यालय पटपड़गंज स्थित उद्योग भवन में होगा।

Source: Dainik Jagran

Saturday, April 21, 2012

‘Implement Right to Education or face court action’

‘Implement Right to Education or face court action’

NEW DELHI: The Delhi government on Friday asked all school associations of Delhi to implement the Right to Education (RTE) Act with immediate effect as delaying it would amount to contempt of court orders. The message was conveyed to the associations at a meeting held in the Delhi Secretariat on Friday afternoon. 

However, Delhi chief minister Sheila Dikshit has asked the school representatives to give their grievances to her in writing. "We have heard their problems and have asked them to give it to us in writing," Dikshit told reporters after the meeting. Besides the CM, the meeting was attended by education minister A S Lovely, education secretary and representatives of various school associations. 

The school associations had approached Dikshit after the Supreme Court upheld the constitutional validity of the RTE Act and asked all private schools to reserve 25% seats for students from economically weaker sections. 

Private schools have said after the sixth pay commission hike, salaries of teachers have gone up and added to their financial burden. "Moreover, inflation has caused other expenses to go up. In such a scenario, allowing 25% students to study free would be an additional burden. Where will the money for free uniforms and books come from?" said R C Jain, president, Delhi State Public School Management Association. 

Jain also alleged that the government threatened to take action against the schools if they do not implement the order. 

The Supreme Court on April 12 upheld the constitutional validity of RTE.

Source:-The Times of India

Three MCDs to have their staff by May 1

Three MCDs to have their staff by May 1

The office of the Lieutenant-Governor has expedited the process of distribution of posts for the three new municipal corporations. The new North, South and East corporations are expected to have their separate staff by May 1.
The term of the present MCD ceases on April 22.
Abiding with the circular issued by Lt-Governor Tejendra Khanna and the Director of Local Bodies, R K Srivastava, the MCD has started the division, creation and abolition of posts for the new corporations.
Civic officials said the redistribution is being carried out across the administration, including headquarter posts, centralised cadre, engineering cadre and other departments.
“The division and distribution among existing staff has been started. The existing staff is being reallocated equally amongst the three corporations. The new staff is required to be seated in their respective corporations latest by May 1,” said a senior civic official.
Under the centralised cadre, the existing six additional commissioners will be divided equally in the three corporations.
Around 700 posts are being abolished for being “redundant”. Of these, 125 are for drivers, 450 for peons, 150 for chowkidars and 29 for telephone operators.
In the engineering cadre, 32 posts are being created. Around 110 engineers will be in the North and South Corporations, and 62 in the East corporation.
In the hospital administration department, only three new posts are being created.
In the education department, 14 posts are being created, including Director (Education) and school inspector posts. In the finance department, two additional posts are being created — for CA-cum-Finance.
Also, 12 other posts are being created for deputy chief accountant and assistant chief accountant. Similarly, additional posts are being created for horticulture, law, press and information.
However, officials said there will be no financial implications for the creation of new posts. “We are creating new posts but at the same time, some posts, which are redundant, are being abolished,” said a senior civic official.

Source: Indian Express

New commissioners await corporations

New commissioners await corporations

New Delhi: Putting to rest speculation, chief minister Sheila Dikshit on Thursday came out with the names of the three commissioners who will hold charge of the three new municipal corporations in the coming month. Without sharing who will administer which of the three corporations, Dikshit gave three names — P K Gupta, Manish Gupta and Janak Diggal — for the new posts. 
    “We have decided upon the names. I have signed the file and lieutenant governor, too, has signed it. Notification will be done in a few days,” Dikshit said. 
    While names of bureaucrats Manish Gupta and Janak Diggal had been doing 
the rounds in the government circles for sometime, bureaucrat PK Gupta’s name has come up as a surprise. Throughout, the third name under speculation was that of Debashree Mukherjee, who currently holds charge of officer on special duty in MCD. “Debashree will be joining us here in government,” Dikshit said. 
    P K Gupta is currently special commissioner, transport and has held special charge of chairmancum-managing director of DTC in the past. He served on important posts in MCD. Manish Gupta is currently holding charge of additional commissioner in engineering branch of MCD, and Diggal is additional commissioner of MCD’s establishment branch.
Source: Times of India

Friday, April 20, 2012

No staff for senior posts in three bodies?

No staff for senior posts in three bodies?
The MCD may have been split into three entities but the authorities are finding it difficult to find enough experienced officials to fill senior posts in all the three new corporations. To tide over this problem, the Director of Civic Affairs has decided to pull in people from other
government departments on deputation. An advertisement has also been issued and officials are likely to be appointed within 15 days.
"We need senior officers for all departments in the three corporations. For example, in place of one education director we will now need three directors. We currently do not have experienced people who can be made heads of various departments. Hence, we plan to get officers on deputation to fill in the gap," said a senior MCD official.
The civic agency needs senior offices to head the education, health, sanitation and horticulture departments in all three corporations. It has also written to Lt. Governor of Delhi Tejender Khanna to appoint a presiding officer.
"The corporation has sent a letter to the L-G's office, requesting him to appoint a presiding officer to hold meetings of the three bodies. The presiding officer will decide when the Mayors will be sworn in. We are expecting a reply by tomorrow," said YS Mann, director press and information, MCD.

Source: Hindustan Times

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Civic centre yet to get ready for new incumbents

Civic centre yet to get ready for new incumbents

After the results of the municipal elections are declared on Tuesday, the three new corporations — South, North and East — will have to start their administration before April 30. But preparations at the Dr Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Civic Centre are yet to start with officials thus far 
being unable to come up with the list of employee distribution. Placement of furniture and computers at the designated floors has also not been done.
An MCD official said the swearing-in ceremony of the three Mayors will, however, take place at the Civic Centre. The chosen Mayors will then decide where the swearing-in of the councillors should be held.
The 28-storey structure will be headquarters of two municipalities — North and South Delhi Municipal Corporations. The East Delhi Municipal Corporation will have its headquarters in the Delhi State Industrial and Infrastructure Development (DSIIDC) building in Patparganj.
"The offices are taking shape at a slow pace because the commissioners of the corporations are yet to be finalised," he said.
In an order, Additional Commissioner (Establishment), Janak Digal has reserved
17 floors for both the municipal bodies.
As per the plan, the ownership of the Civic Centre will remain with the North Delhi Municipal Corporation hence it will also have the administrative control over the building. South Delhi civic body will pay maintenance charges to its North Delhi counterpart.

Source: Hindustan Times

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Rights of children secured, time to restore teachers’ dignity and pay

Rights of children secured, time to restore teachers’ dignity and pay 

    From time immemorial, centrality of education in nurturing a child’s future and preparing him to be a responsible citizen has had universal acceptance. Nineteenth century French poet, statesman and human rights activist Victor Hugo had said, “He who opens a school door, closes a prison.” By prison he meant dogmas, discrimination and abuse in addition to several facets of the curse of illiteracy. 
    Framers of our Constitution, who were great visionaries, were aware of the importance of Hugo’s statement, but surprisingly did not consider including education within the fundamental rights chapter. But they made amends by advising states through Article 45 to make provision for free and compulsory education of children up to 14 years. 

    The Supreme Court in Mohini Jain case in 1992 picked Article 45 as an integral part of child’s inherent right and pronounced it to be akin to a fundamental right. The legitimacy of this pronouncement was strengthened by the SC in Unnikrishnan’s judgment the next year. 

    Since 1993, several legislative attempts were made, which 10 years later fructified in making right to education of children a fundamental right by insertion of Article 21A in Constitution. Another decade later, the SC played its constitutionally mandated role to do complete justice and upheld the validity of Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009, a law enacted with vigorous push from HRD minister Kapil Sibal. 
    The law opens a new vista in education system in India as it in
tends to create inclusive classrooms where the children of deprived and downtrodden could study in a neighbourhood school alongside the wards of the elite and the rich. Will an education system be considered robust by securing only the children’s rights and privileges? Is it not time to restore the dignity of teachers who were traditionally given the respect second only to the king? 
    In the era of privatization, would the teachers get their due dignity without a respectable 
pay? Without the teaching profession being among the highest paid jobs, would it attract the talent needed to nurture the future of the children? If we do not get competent teachers because of inadequate salaries, what is the use of opening schools in every village? Commercialization of education in the last two decades has not helped in improving the plight of the teachers. Nearly 50 years ago, the SC had raised this question in University of Delhi vs Ram Nath [1964(2) SCR 703]. 
    The SC had said education was not an industry. “From a rational point of view it would be regarded inappropriate to describe education even as a profession.
Education in its true aspect is more of a mission and a vocation rather than a profession or trade or business.” 
    The court had argued that if education sought to build the personality of students by assisting their physical, intellectual, moral and emotional development, then the teacher’s plight should get adequate attention of the authorities. It said, “Under the sense of values recognized both by the traditional and conservative as well as the modern and progressive 
social outlook, teaching and teachers are, no doubt assigned a high place of honour and it is obviously necessary and desirable that teaching and teachers should receive the respect that is due to them. 
    “It cannot be denied that the concept of social justice is wide enough to include teaching and teachers, and the requirement that teachers should receive proper emoluments and other amenities, which are based on social justice, can’t be disputed.” 
    Many school managements are taking advantage of the job scarcity scenario and making teachers take home a much lower amount than the salary promised to them. It has a deleterious effect on the education system. A disgruntled teacher is unable to give his/her best in the school and to make ends meet gives private tutorials putting huge workload on self. As in the Right to Education Act, it was made mandatory for all schools to admit students from socially, educationally and eco
nomically weaker sections, the government must think, as a first step, to enact a law which binds all private schools to pay the teachers the promised salary.
Source:Times of India

नए निगमों के गठन की प्रशासनिक तैयारी पूरी

नए निगमों के गठन की प्रशासनिक तैयारी पूरी
नई दिल्ली, राज्य ब्यूरो : तीनों नए नगर निगमों के गठन के लिए मतदान तो संपन्न हो ही गया, प्रशासनिक तैयारियां भी पूरी कर ली गई हैं। 21 अप्रैल तक तीनों निगमों का विधिवत गठन हो जाएगा। तीनों नए निगमों के बीच आपसी समन्वय स्थापित करने के लिए दिल्ली सरकार के तहत गठित स्थानीय निकाय निदेशालय ने नए निगमों को लेकर सभी प्रशासनिक तैयारियां पूरी कर ली हैं। वरिष्ठ अधिकारियों का कहना है कि एकीकृत दिल्ली नगर निगम की संपत्तियों, कर्मचारियों तथा अन्य साजो-सामान को तीन हिस्सों में बांटने का काम पूरा हो चुका है। निदेशालय के सूत्रों ने बताया कि पूर्वी, उत्तरी तथा दक्षिणी दिल्ली नगर निगमों के संचालन के लिए प्रशासनिक कायदे-कानून बना दिए गए हैं। ऐसी तमाम औपचारिकताएं पूरी कर ली गई हैं, जिनसे तीनों निगमों के सुचारू संचालन में मदद मिल सके। उन्होंने बताया कि दिल्ली नगर निगम पर विभिन्न एजेंसियों पर बकाया करीब एक हजार करोड़ रुपये की राशि का भुगतान दिल्ली सरकार करेगी। क्योंकि सरकार यह नहीं चाहती कि कोई भी नगर निगम अपने कामकाज की शुरुआत कर्ज से करे। मुख्यमंत्री शीला दीक्षित की अगुआई में दिल्ली मंत्रिमंडल की पिछले दिनों हुई बैठक में संपत्ति के बंटवारे, खजाने के बंटवारे तथा कर्मचारियों के बंटवारे को लेकर निर्णय लिए गए थे। यह भी तय किया गया था कि दिल्ली सरकार तीनों नए निगमों को हर प्रकार की सहायता मुहैया कराएगी। इसी बैठक में तय किया गया था कि दिल्ली नगर निगम का वर्तमान मुख्यालय सिविक सेंटर उत्तरी तथा दक्षिणी दिल्ली नगर निगमों का मुख्यालय होगा, जबकि पूर्वी दिल्ली नगर निगम का मुख्यालय पटपड़गंज में होगा। सरकार ने तीनों निगमों को नए कार्यालय बनाने तथा नई नियुक्तियां करने के लिए सौ करोड़ रुपये का एक कोष भी बनाने का फैसला किया था।

Source: Dainik Jagran

रात नौ बजे तक होता रहा मतदान

रात नौ बजे तक होता रहा मतदान
नई दिल्ली, जागरण संवाददाता : दिल्ली के तीनों निगमों के लिए हुए चुनाव में रात नौ बजे तक मतदान चलता रहा। देर रात तक राज्य निर्वाचन आयोग के अधिकारी सभी 68 रिटर्निग ऑफिसरों से मिल रही सूचनाओं को एकत्रित करने में जुटे रहे। रिटर्निग ऑफिसरों द्वारा देर रात तक सूचनाएं एकत्र की जा रही थीं। राज्य निर्वाचन आयुक्त राकेश मेहता के अनुसार वार्ड संख्या 10 तिमारपुर, वार्ड संख्या 83 सीताराम बाजार, वार्ड संख्या 84 तुर्कमान गेट, वार्ड संख्या 181 खानपुर सहित आधा दर्जन वार्डो में काफी देर तक मतदान होता रहा। इन जगहों पर शाम को अचानक मतदाताओं की संख्या बढ़ गई। इस वजह से शाम साढ़े पांच बजे तक जितने भी लोग लाइन में लगे हुए थे, उन्हें मतदान केंद्र परिसर के अंदर कर लिया गया है और मतदान करवाया गया।

Source: Dainik Jagran

शिक्षक के पास मिले सौ फर्जी पहचान पत्र

शिक्षक के पास मिले सौ फर्जी पहचान पत्र 
भास्कर न्यूज त्न नई दिल्ली
पुलिस ने मतदान के दौरान खजूरी खास इलाके में एमसीडी स्कूल के एक शिक्षक के पास से सौ से अधिक फर्जी मतदाता पहचान पत्र बरामद किए। पुलिस ने इस शिक्षक को गिरफ्तार कर लिया है।

जानकारी के मुताबिक पुलिस ने सूचना के आधार पर यह गिरफ्तारी की। पुलिस को सूचना थी कि कच्ची खजूरी की श्रीराम कालोनी में एक व्यक्ति के पास काफी मात्रा में फर्जी मतदाता पहचान पत्र है। वह उनका इस्तेमाल कर मतदान कराने की कोशिश करेगा। पुलिस ने छापा मारा और संजय उर्फ योगेश (30) को पकड़ा और उसके पास से 104 फर्जी आईकार्ड बरामद किए गए।

Source: Dainik Bhaskar

Saturday, April 14, 2012

DSSSB Invites Applications for Asstt. Teachers, TGT, PGT

DSSSB Invites Applications for Asstt. Teachers, TGT, PGT

Date of Examination; Primary Teachers, DSSSB

Date of Examination; Primary Teachers, DSSSB

Most city schools are firetraps

Most city schools are firetraps

1,786 Schools Violate Fire-Safety Regulations

New Delhi: Nearly half the schools in Delhi are not sufficiently equipped to deal with a fire incident. According to the records, 1,786 of 4,082 schools in Delhi have not been granted fire no-objection certificate (NOC). These include 650 recognized schools and 645 MCD schools. Fire-safety regulations for schools mandate strict measures, which are not being followed, say fire officers. 
    Of the schools which have been rejected fire-safety certificates, 650 are private or aided recognized schools; 649 are run by Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD); and 449 by the Delhi government. Fire-safety arrangements in all the seven schools run by the Delhi Cantonment Board as well as 35 of the central government schools (Kendriya Vidyalayas) are also found to be inadequate. 
    “We are taking up the issue with the managements of these schools to ensure that fire-safety measures are properly followed for the larger good of schoolchildren. We are making a strong pitch for fire-safety drills in schools as children spend their formative years there and these drills will make a positive impression on them. They will remember the drills if taught at a young age,” said director of Delhi Fire Services A K Sharma. 
    While a majority of the schools by the Delhi government and MCD lacked basic measures, such as availability of fire extinguishers and staircases for escape during
fire, some of the schools were not easily accessible in fire service vehicles. 
    Officials said the private schools which were denied NOC did not have adequate fire extinguishers, water tanks, fire-alarm systems, fire hoses and water pumps. “We have pointed out the shortcomings in the fire
safety mechanism and asked the school managements to address these issues on priority. Options available to the fire department include cutting off the electricity and water supply if fire-safety norms are not adhered to. If the schools still don’t conform, the premises can be sealed or the education board can derecognize them,” said a senior fire department official. 
    Fire-safety requirements for each school depend on the size and height of the premises and the building. 
    While basic requirements for each school include fire extinguishers, fire hose, water tanks and pumps, a sprinkler system is required in case there is a basement. 
    “Till now, we have rejected NOC to schools violating fire-safety norms. We are hoping that good sense will prevail and the managements of the schools will address the issues quickly for the safety of the children. Otherwise, we will be forced to take strict action,” said a senior fire department official. 

Source: Times of India