Saturday, March 31, 2012

RTE एक्ट उल्लंघन में दिल्ली टॉप 3 में

RTE एक्ट उल्लंघन में दिल्ली टॉप 3 में

बच्चों के लिए फ्री और कंपलसरी एजुकेशन सुनिश्चित कराने के लिए एक्ट लागू हुए दो साल हो गए लेकिन इसमें शिकायतों का अंबार लगा है। राइट टु एजुकेशन (आरटीई) एक्ट के उल्लंघन की हजारों शिकायतें आ रही हैं लेकिन नैशनल कमिशन फॉर चाइल्ड राइट्स (एनसीपीसीआर) इन्हें निपटा नहीं पा रहा। पिछले एक साल में जितनी शिकायतें आईं उसमें महज 6 पर्सेंट ही निपटाई जा सकीं। एक्ट का उल्लंघन होने में दिल्ली टॉप थ्री स्टेट में शामिल है। पिछले एक साल में दिल्ली में आरटीई उल्लंघन के मामले 8 गुना बढ़े हैं लेकिन इन्हें निपटाने की चाल बेहद सुस्त है। 

दिल्ली में नर्सरी एडमिशन के दौरान आरटीई एक्ट के उल्लंघन की कई शिकायतें आती हैं। कभी स्कूल बिना डोनेशन दिए एडमिशन नहीं देता तो कभी लिस्ट में नाम होने के बाद भी बच्चे को एडमिशन नहीं मिलता। दिल्ली वाले डीसीपीसीआर या एनसीपीसीआर में शिकायत कर सकते हैं। जहां डीसीपीसीआर स्टाफ की कमी से जूझ रहा है, वहीं एनसीपीसीआर भी शिकायतों का निपटारा नहीं कर पा रहा है। एक्शन ऐड इंडिया के उमेश गुप्ता ने जब आरटीआई के जरिए जानकारी मांगी तो पता चला कि आरटीई जितना लागू हुआ है उससे ज्यादा उसका उल्लंघन हो रहा है। ऐसे में पैरंट्स शिकायत करें भी तो उसका फायदा नहीं हो पा रहा है। 

1 अप्रैल 2011 से 16 मार्च 2012 तक एनसीपीसीआर को 1761 शिकायतें मिली जिनमें से सिर्फ 100 का ही निपटारा किया जा सका। एक्ट लागू होने के बाद पहले साल कमिशन को 1089 शिकायतें मिलीं जिनमें 592 सुलझाई गईं। कमिशन ने एक्ट के उल्लंघन के मामले में सरकारी अधिकारियों को सिर्फ 26 समन भेजे। 1 अप्रैल 2010 से 31 मार्च 2011 में सबसे ज्यादा शिकायतें राजस्थान से आई। फिर तमिलनाडु से और इसके बाद दिल्ली का नंबर है। दिल्ली से 61 शिकायतें आई जिसमें 32 को सुलझाया गया। राजस्थान से आई 771 शिकायतों में से 455 और तमिलनाडु की 128 शिकायतों में से 51 ही निपटाई जा सकी। पिछले एक साल में सबसे ज्यादा शिकायतें आंध्र प्रदेश और दिल्ली से आई। आंध्र प्रदेश की 780 में से एक भी शिकायत नहीं निपटाई गई जबकि दिल्ली की 517 शिकायतों में से 80 का निपटारा किया जा सका। 

Source: Nav Bharat Times

Primary education in Delhi has taken a hit, says CRY survey

Primary education in Delhi has taken a hit, says CRY survey

Delhi has slipped from sixth to eighth position in primary education over the past year and from seventh to eighth in upper primary education over the same period, a survey has revealed.
Child Rights and You (CRY), an NGO, conducted the survey to provide an assessment of schools run by the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD). The report collates information from the BJP and Congress manifestos for 2007 elections, MCD budget for 2010-11 and 2011-12, newspaper reports and responses to RTI/RTE applications.
According to the survey, as per the government rankings of states in school education released by HRD Minister Kapil Sibal on February 1, 2011, Delhi has slipped in both primary and upper primary schooling. The rankings are based on each state’s performance on numerous parameters including teacher availability, teacher-pupil ratio, facilities, student enrollment and retention.
The CRY report also says that though the “MCD has improved the building structure, basic facilities are still lacking in many schools.”The MCD currently runs around 1,730 schools. Their actual expenditure on education was nearly a third less than the budget estimate. The budget estimate for education in 2010-11 was Rs 1,58,030.15 while the actual expenditure was Rs 1,02,733.95,” the survey stated.
On the matter of basic amenities in 44 government schools, the CRY survey reveals that 37 per cent of schools didn’t have clean toilets. Schools in Northwest, Northeast and Outer Delhi were the ones with the least facilities, the survey found. It also shows that 61 per cent of the schools had their toilets cleaned only twice or thrice a month besides having permanent staff for the same. About 24 per cent of school toilets did not have water supply, while 18 per cent had contaminated/dirty water supply, the report said.
The CRY survey also suggests that lack of teaching staff is “clearly one of the biggest problems” faced by the schools —from teachers merging two or more sections to make up for the shortage to teachers being forced to do additional clerical work. Also, “most teachers were not willing to work in slum areas and approached authorities to get transferred out of such schools,” the report said.
The report points out that “according to MCD’s own estimate, there are close to 2,100 children with special needs in its schools. Though the court had ordered for two special educators per school, MCD decided to begin with one teacher per school.”
Education Committee chairman Mahindar Nagpal blamed the Delhi government for the delay in employing two special educators. “The Delhi government has to finalise the recruitment rules. It has to release funds for their salaries. But there is no clarity on the project. Due to procedural delays, we couldn’t start the recruitment process.”

Source: Indian Express

No admission to 70% kids in MCD schools, says survey

No admission to 70% kids in MCD schools, says survey

New Delhi, March 30 2012, DHNS:
At least 70 per cent children were denied admission in Municipal Corporation of Delhi schools in three districts for not being able to produce documents such as transfer certificates local resident proof, immunisation card or birth certificate, states a survey.

The survey was conducted by Alliance for People’s Rights group along with CRY, a child rights group in four backward areas within Tahirpur village and Ghazipur village in east Delhi, Mahavir Enclave and R K Puram in south-west Delhi and Sangam Vihar in south Delhi on RTE violations. 

The report has been collated from information derived from RTIs, the BJP and Congress manifestos for 2007 elections, MCD budget for 2010-11 and 2011-12 and newspaper reports.

The report further states that 41.5 per cent of children going to such schools were asked to pay an admission fee and monthly fee but no receipt against payment was given to parents. Also, 11.32 per cent children had to pay towards a monthly parent teacher association fund. 

Vijaylakshmi Arora, director of policy and advocacy, CRY said, “There have been gross violations of several provisions of the Right to Education Act over the last two years. 

“The irony is that around a dozen states are yet to put in place a monitoring mechanism. So, we do not even know the exact extent of violations of the provisions of this Act.”

The survey further highlights the confusion about the actual number of schools functioning under the MCD. 

SurveyThe survey states, “The total number of schools as of August 31, 2011 is 1,730. Of these, 744 are co-educational and have one shift. There are another 493 schools which run two shifts. But according to the list on the Delhi Department of Education’s website, there are still 1,780 schools. 

“In news reports over the period 2010-12, the number of schools cited by MCD officials, including the MCD Education Committee chairman, variously are 1,746, 1,790, 1,729 and 1,750.”

During the 11th Five Year Plan for Delhi, the MCD had started 35 new schools and proposed to open 20 schools in 2011-12. However, the website has not indicated any information on how many schools have been shut down so far. 

“In recent years, closure of government schools happening across several states is also emerging as an important issue which needs to be addressed as this directly affects efforts to provide greater access to education especially to marginalised sections of our society,” Yamini Aiyar, director, accountability initiative, centre for policy research.

Source: Deccan Herald

Friday, March 30, 2012

स्टाफ चुनाव ड्यूटी में व्यस्त, दूसरे काम ठप

स्टाफ चुनाव ड्यूटी में व्यस्त, दूसरे काम ठप
पूर्वी दिल्ली, जागरण संवाददाता : नगर निगम चुनाव के चलते सरकारी विभागों में दूसरे कामों की गतिविधि ठप होकर रह गई है। अधिकारियों की ओर से निगम के चुनाव संपन्न होने के बाद संपर्क करने की सलाह दी जाने लगी है। नगर निगम शाहदरा उत्तरी एवं दक्षिणी जोन क्षेत्र के कई कर्मचारी सगे संबंधियों को निगम का चुनाव लड़ाने में व्यस्त हो गए हैं। 15 अप्रैल को होने वाले निगम के चुनावों में विभाग के ज्यादातर स्टाफ की ड्यूटी लग गई है। लेबर विभाग एवं पटपड़गंज औद्योगिक क्षेत्र स्थित उद्योग सदन परिसर के स्टाफ की भी ड्यूटी निगम चुनाव में लगाई गई है। पूर्वी एवं उत्तरी जिले के प्रशासनिक अधिकारी निगम चुनाव को संपन्न कराने में लगे हैं। इसके लिए देर शाम तक बैठकें की जा रही हैं। अधिकारियों को हिदायत दी गई है कि इस बीच अदालती प्रक्रिया से जुडे़ मामलों को समय से निस्तारित किया जाए। नगर निगम शाहदरा एवं उत्तरी जोन के स्टाफ सगे संबंधियों को निगम चुनाव लड़ाने में व्यस्त हैं। चुनाव की अधिसूचना जारी होने से पहले भी निगम की जोन बैठक के दौरान पार्षदों ने निगम स्टाफ पर सगे-संबंधियों के निगम चुनाव में व्यस्त रहने के आरोप लगाए थे। हालांकि निगम उपायुक्त अलका शर्मा ने कहा कि यदि किसी स्टाफ के आम जन से जुड़ी समस्याओं के निस्तारण में कोताही बरतने का मामला सामने आता है तो संबंधित कर्मी के खिलाफ कार्रवाई की जाएगी।

Source: Dainik Jagran

Govt school won’t admit ‘older’ boy in class 6

Govt school won’t admit ‘older’ boy in class 6

New Delhi, March 29 2012, DHNS:
A student from economically weaker background has been denied admission in class 6 in a government school allegedly on the grounds that he is “older” than the appropriate age for the class. 

Nand Kumar, who is 16-years-old, started studying late because his parents did not have the money to support his education.

Parents said the principal cited his age being inappropriate as the reason for denying admission to him.

Nand Kumar, passed class 5 from Adarsh co-ed, a MCD-run school in Jamrudpur. He has also been issued a certificate of primary education dated March 29, 2012 by the school. 

“My child has completed class 5 and we want him to go to Government Boys Senior Secondary School, located in Sadiq Nagar, as it is only half a kilometre away from our place. This will help us save money and educate him,” said Asha Devi, Nand's mother. 

Archana Agnihotri, an activist with social jurist civil rights group, has filed a complaint against the school, as she received several complaints from parents against the principal of the government school.

“The principal is harassing poor parents by not admitting such students. Nand's father is a car cleaner and his mother is a domestic help. They are not educated but this does not mean that schools can exploit them,” she said.

She added, “The school is forcing the child to take class 10 admission test when he can barely understand what is being taught in class 6.”

Ashok Agarwal, an advocate with Supreme Court said the school does not have the right to deny admission on the basis of a child's age.

“The school principal’s decision to not to admit Nand Kumar with respect to his age is not only unconstitutional but also in violation of the express provisions of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009,” he said.

The principal was not available for comment.
Source: Deccan Herald

Primary education in Delhi has taken a hit, says CRY survey

Primary education in Delhi has taken a hit, says CRY survey

Delhi has slipped from sixth to eighth position in primary education over the past year and from seventh to eighth in upper primary education over the same period, a survey has revealed.
Child Rights and You (CRY), an NGO, conducted the survey to provide an assessment of schools run by the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD). The report collates information from the BJP and Congress manifestos for 2007 elections, MCD budget for 2010-11 and 2011-12, newspaper reports and responses to RTI/RTE applications.
According to the survey, as per the government rankings of states in school education released by HRD Minister Kapil Sibal on February 1, 2011, Delhi has slipped in both primary and upper primary schooling. The rankings are based on each state’s performance on numerous parameters including teacher availability, teacher-pupil ratio, facilities, student enrollment and retention.
The CRY report also says that though the “MCD has improved the building structure, basic facilities are still lacking in many schools.”The MCD currently runs around 1,730 schools. Their actual expenditure on education was nearly a third less than the budget estimate. The budget estimate for education in 2010-11 was Rs 1,58,030.15 while the actual expenditure was Rs 1,02,733.95,” the survey stated.
On the matter of basic amenities in 44 government schools, the CRY survey reveals that 37 per cent of schools didn’t have clean toilets. Schools in Northwest, Northeast and Outer Delhi were the ones with the least facilities, the survey found. It also shows that 61 per cent of the schools had their toilets cleaned only twice or thrice a month besides having permanent staff for the same. About 24 per cent of school toilets did not have water supply, while 18 per cent had contaminated/dirty water supply, the report said.
The CRY survey also suggests that lack of teaching staff is “clearly one of the biggest problems” faced by the schools —from teachers merging two or more sections to make up for the shortage to teachers being forced to do additional clerical work. Also, “most teachers were not willing to work in slum areas and approached authorities to get transferred out of such schools,” the report said.
The report points out that “according to MCD’s own estimate, there are close to 2,100 children with special needs in its schools. Though the court had ordered for two special educators per school, MCD decided to begin with one teacher per school.”
Education Committee chairman Mahindar Nagpal blamed the Delhi government for the delay in employing two special educators. “The Delhi government has to finalise the recruitment rules. It has to release funds for their salaries. But there is no clarity on the project. Due to procedural delays, we couldn’t start the recruitment process.”

Source: Indian Express

Parents demand quality education at MCD schools

Parents demand quality education at MCD schools

Parents tell candidates in the upcoming MCD elections to make RTE central to their manifesto

Miraj, a 40-year-old housewife from east Delhi's Trilokpuri area had only one thing to ask of the candidates for the municipal corporation seat from her area, and no, it was not roads or drains or any of the usual demands. It was quality education at the municipal corporation fo Delhi (MCD) school thather children attended. At a public meeting organised by Josh, an NGO, on Wednesday, the candidates made notes as Miraj spoke about the problems her kids face at the school.
She has two daughters studying in the tenth and the ninth grades at the MCD school in ward number 27 of Trilokpuri. Miraj says the teachers pay no attention to the children and that there is no availability of drinking water at the school.
“If they cannot give us clean roads, it is alright with us. But we want quality education for our children. Both my children hardly understand any subject at school; we have to spend Rs 500 every month on their tuitions to ensure they learn something. If this will continue, how will they get jobs after school,” wonders Miraj.
Many other parents face similar problems. Shashi Kaur's four children attend the same school as Miraj's daughters. She says there are no fans in the classrooms and it becomes difficult for children to study during the summer months.
“Drinking water is not available in schools. During summers, we go to school 2-3 times a day to give water to our children,” she said.
Most of these children are first generation learners but for their parents their education has always been a priority. Thus, they want to ensure quality education for their children.
“Earlier, whenever we complained about such issues, nobody paid any attention. But now we can demand it. We cannot afford to send our children to private schools. All we want is that our children should get quality education and clean environment in schools,” says Jaisri Devi, whose five children are enrolled in a MCD school.
She adds, “Teachers never call us for meeting or inform us about the progress of our child. And when we ask, they are rude to us. We have been told that schools have to form school management committees in which our involvement is mandataory. But nothing of the sorts has happened as yet.”
It has been two years since the right to education act was enacted but it has not been fully implemented. Schools still lack in infrastructure and quality education.
With the help of Josh, the community members prepared a charter of demands on RTE. The organisation brought together nominees of different political parties for a Jan Manch to get them to respond to teh parents' concerns.
Nominees of Samajwadi Party, BSP, BJP, Congress attended the meeting and promised to change the condition of schools.
Praveen Massi, a candidate from the Samajwadi Party said, “The biggest problem is that in many schools there are no separate toilets for girls and where they are there, there is the problem of hygiene. If I win, I promise to take steps to improve this condition because every child has the right to get quality education.”
Saurabh Sharma of Josh believes that it is the time that the authorities acted on the complaints of the parents. He said, “We all know that there are problems in schools but now it is the time to find solutions. We all want these leaders to include the issue of education in their manifesto and ensure that they work to fully implement the act.”
Ramchand Gulati, the BJP candidate said he will ensure that condition of schools improve if he wins. “We do not need private schools for our children. We will make these schools good enough. I also promise to open a library for children in this locality.”
He added that for the better implementation of the education act, it is important for the parents to be attentive and keep an eye on the activities of schools.

Source: Governance Now

Thursday, March 29, 2012

MCD ghost staff: More arrests likely

MCD ghost staff: More arrests likely

New Delhi: The probe into MCD’s ghost employees scam is likely to see more arrests soon with higherups in the civic agency under the scanner of crime branch. 
    This was conveyed to Delhi high court on Wednesday by police, after which the court directed MCD to furnish a list of “appointing authority”, that is names of those who appointed and cleared payments for the missing employees. 
    “Who appointed these ghost employees? Who gave them salaries? Give the crime branch a list of these persons,” a bench of acting Chief Justice A K Sikri and Justice Rajiv Sahai Endlaw said, pulling up MCD for not furnishing the entire information earlier. 

    HC gave a week to the civic agency to furnish the list of names fearing that “after trifurcation and elections, the problems may be compounded . You may later say the records have been misplaced.” The court’s direction came after police complained to the bench that MCD had failed to provide the list of these officers. It sought a progress report from the court by April 20. Appearing for the economic offence wing of crime branch, counsel Najmi Waziri alleged that the civic agency was not co-operating with the investigating agency. HC was hearing a PIL filed by ‘Jagrook Welfare Society’ seeking a probe into the scam by an independent agency.
Source: Times of India

शिक्षा की नियामक संस्थाएं भ्रष्टाचार के फंदे में

शिक्षा की नियामक संस्थाएं भ्रष्टाचार के फंदे में 

Source: Dainik Bhaskar

In poll season, candidates ready to debate Right to Education

In poll season, candidates ready to debate Right to Education 

NEW DELHI: It's been two years since the Right to Education was enacted, but government and civic agencies don't seem to be ready to implement it. Now, with municipal elections round the corner, Josh, an organization working for proper implementation of RTE, has decided to make the aspiring councillors shoulder their responsibility or at least know about it. The organization is bringing together nominees of different political parties for a 'Jan Manch' in Trilokpuri on Wednesday to find out their stand on education and to also respond to demands made by the public. 

Saurabh Sharma, member, Josh, said candidates of Congress, Bharatiya Janata Party, Bahujan Samaj Party, Samajwadi Party and Janata Dal (United), besides local people, are likely to be present for Jan Manch. The organization had already met up with the residents of the area to determine the shortfall in educational facilities. "We had a meeting with more than 200 locals to prepare a charter of demands which will be given to the nominees for election. As preparation for Jan Manch, a public meeting was held on March 17 where delivery of education in government-run schools was discussed and noted. We would ask them to include these demands in their manifestos," said Sharma. 

MCD runs schools till class V across the city. These serve as feeder schools for Delhi government's own schools. The demands enlisted in the public meeting included recruiting adequate number of teachers, formation of school management committees, ensuring an effective grievance redress mechanism in schools, ensuring greater community participation, provision of clean and functional toilets and classrooms, adequate drinking water, proper seats for students, better quality of mid-day meals, inclusion and access to education for children with disability and facilities for sports, music and computer education. 

"We thought it was the right time to take up the issue of RTE and make the poll nominees aware of its importance and urgency. School education is often ignored by political parties probably because children cannot vote for them. We will also have sitting Congress and BSP councillors besides the nominees to tell us what they have done and what they intend to do about schools if voted to power," said Sharma. 

Source: Times of India

MCD councilors get class in RTE

MCD councilors get class in RTE


NEW DELHI: Sitting and aspiring MCD councillors of Trilokpuri area got a lesson in RTEon Wednesday. At a public meeting organized by JOSH, locals flocked to meet them with lots of suggestions and many complaints about the lack of educational facilities in their east Delhi colony. All that the candidates could muster as a response was a slew of promises most of which were shrouded in ignorance about the provisions of the right education. While new candidates were simply unaware of the soaring problems in the area like inadequate schools, a shortage of teachers and the lack of toilets, seniors in the fray insisted they could set everything right. Some female candidates also chose to sit quietly while their husbands spoke.
Originally a resettlement colony of lower middle class families, Trilokpuri has over 30 MCD schools most of which are in a bad shape. Parents complain education is a distant dream even for those enrolled in the schools. "There are so few teachers in most schools. It is also difficult to meet them. There is no discipline. The school in a nearby block has two toilets which have been finally opened for girls. But boys are told to feel free to use a corner of the playground," said Parvati, one of the mothers who had come to be a part of the Jan Manch held at block 13 of Trilokpuri. She added, "We can't afford private schools. I know there is a quota for our children but then who follows it?"
Candidates from different parties contesting for elections from Trilokpuri, Dallopura and Kalyanpuri had gathered to win over the electorate on Wednesday. Samajwadi Party candidate Praveen Messi contesting from Dallopura was the first to commit herself to the cause of education.
"Education will be the most important thing for me if I am voted to power," she declared. When a woman in the audience told her about the problem of gambling in schools, she promised, "If I find any school where gambling is happening, it will be shut down. I am not your neta...I am your mother, a sister, your family. You have to give me just one day that is April 15 (election day) and I will be there for you 24X7 for next five years." After her, BJP's Ramcharan Gujrati and Congressman Dr Ashok Chauhan enlisted what their party had done and where their rival had missed.
Sitting councillors - BSP's Surjeet Singh from Trilokpuri and Congress' Anjana Parcha from Dallopura - agreed there was lot to be done for proper implementation of RTE. But Singh seemed keen to count his past laurels and Parcha said she wished she had been reminded earlier. When the coordinator asked her if she would include education as one of the issues in her manifesto, she replied, "Aap teen mahine pehle batate toh main zarur koshish karti. Ab toh party ka manifesto ban gaya hoga (Had you told me three months ago, I would have definitely tried. The party manifesto would be ready by now)."
Singh also got his wife, Sunita Rawat, contesting from Mayur Vihar Phase I to be a part of the discussion. However, Singh did all the talking while Rawat sat attentively. So did Pushpa from BSP who is contesting from Dallopura. She hardly shared her views though her husband, Chandraveer, assured the locals, "Main Pushpa ka pati ko lekar koi bhi samasya ho toh mere paas aayiega (I am Pushpa's husband. Come to me if you have a problem related to education)."

Source: Times of India

घर के नजदीक चुनाव ड्यूटी चाहते हैं टीचर्स

घर के नजदीक चुनाव ड्यूटी चाहते हैं टीचर्स

प्रस ॥ नई दिल्ली : गवर्नमेंट स्कूल टीचर्स असोसिएशन ने मुख्य चुनाव अधिकारी से मांग की है कि टीचर्स की चुनाव ड्यूटी उनके घर के नजदीक के पोलिंग स्टेशनों पर ही लगाई जाए। अप्रैल में एमसीडी के चुनाव के लिए टीचर्स को ट्रेनिंग भी दी जाएगी। 

असोसिएशन के प्रेजिडेंट ओम सिंह व सेक्रेटरी डी. के. तिवारी का कहना है कि इस समय बोर्ड एग्जाम चल रहे हैं। बाकी क्लास के भी एग्जाम हो रहे हैं। टीचर्स को बोर्ड एग्जाम की आंसरशीट जांचनी होगी और अपने स्कूलों का रिजल्ट भी तैयार करना होगा। ऐसे में उन पर काम का बोझ काफी बढ़ जाएगा। उन्होंने मांग की है कि महिला शिक्षकों की चुनाव ड्यूटी न लगाई जाए। बाकी टीचर्स की ड्यूटी भी घर के नजदीक के पोलिंग स्टेशनों पर लगे। उन्हें ट्रेनिंग के लिए बहुत दूर न जाना पड़े। असोसिएशन के मुताबिक, हर बार यह देखने में आता है कि ईस्ट दिल्ली के टीचर्स की ड्यूटी वेस्ट दिल्ली के दूर- दराज के इलाकों में लगा दी जाती है। उन्हें वहां पहुंचने में ही काफी वक्त लग जाता है।  

Source: Nav Bharat Times

स्कूलों में शौचालय की मुहिम को झटका

स्कूलों में शौचालय की मुहिम को झटका
नई दिल्ली,जागरण ब्यूरो : स्कूलों में छात्र-छात्राओं के लिए शौचालय बनाने का मामला सुप्रीम कोर्ट तक पहंुच गया, लेकिन जमीनी तस्वीर अब भी बहुत बदतर है। खासतौर से उत्तर प्रदेश, बिहार और मध्य प्रदेश जैसे बड़े राज्य सभी स्कूलों में शौचालय बनाने की मुहिम को झटका दे रहे हैं। यहां तक कि राष्ट्रीय राजधानी दिल्ली में भी दो स्कूलों के बच्चों को यह सुविधा अब तक नसीब नहीं हो पाई है। वैसे तो देश के कुल सवा तेरह लाख स्कूलों में से बीते कुछ वर्षो में 11 लाख से अधिक स्कूलों में शौचालयों का इंतजाम हो चुका है। मगर दो लाख से अधिक स्कूलों के छात्र-छात्राओं को शौच के लिए अब भी खुले में जाना पड़ता है। इस मामले में मध्य प्रदेश की स्थिति सबसे बदतर है। राज्य में 32 हजार स्कूलों के बच्चे अब भी इस सुविधा से महरूम हैं। इसके बाद बिहार का नंबर आता है, जहां 23 हजार स्कूलों में यह सुविधा नहीं है। उत्तर प्रदेश भी इसी श्रेणी में शामिल है, जिसके 20 हजार से अधिक स्कूलों के बच्चे पढ़ाई के दिनों में खुले में शौच के लिए जाने को मजबूर हैं। छत्तीसगढ़ में भी लगभग 20 हजार स्कूलों में शौचालय नहीं है। गौरतलब है कि स्कूलों में छात्र और छात्राओं के लिए अलग-अलग शौचालय को लेकर वर्ष 2004 में ही सुप्रीम कोर्ट का दरवाजा खटखटाया गया था। सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने शिक्षा का अधिकार कानून का हवाला देते हुए बीते वर्ष जनवरी में इस मामले में आगामी 31 मार्च तक ही स्कूलों में स्थायी शौचालय की सुविधा का इंतजाम करने का निर्देश दिया था। कोर्ट ने इस समय सीमा में स्थायी शौचालय न बनवा पाने की स्थिति में 28 फरवरी, 2012 तक कम से कम अस्थायी शौचालय ही बनाने का निर्देश दिया था। मगर सरकार के पास उपलब्ध आंकड़े इस मामले में अलग ही तस्वीर पेश कर रहे हैं।

Source: Dainik Jagran

Saturday, March 24, 2012

महंगाई भत्ता सात फीसदी बढ़ा

महंगाई भत्ता सात फीसदी बढ़ा 

केंद्रीय कर्मचारियों को मिलने वाले महंगाई भत्ते (डीए) में सात प्रतिशत की बढ़ोतरी की गई है। प्रधानमंत्री की अध्यक्षता में शुक्रवार को हुई कैबिनेट की बैठक में इसे मंजूरी दी गई। इससे 50 लाख केंद्रीय कर्मचारी और 30 लाख पेंशनभोगी केंद्रीय कर्मचारी लाभान्वित होंगे। मूल वेतन पर महंगाई भत्ते को ५८ से बढ़ाकर 65 प्रतिशत किया गया है। यह बढ़ोतरी जनवरी 2012 से लागू होगी। इस फैसले से सरकारी खजाने पर सालाना ७,४७४.५३ करोड़ का अतिरिक्त भार पड़ेगा। 

कैबिनेट के अन्य फैसले 
शिक्षा को उन्नत करने की योजना 

शिक्षक प्रशिक्षण में पुनर्गठन और नवीनीकरण योजना में संशोधनों को मंजूरी। इसके तहत मौजूदा संस्थानों को मजबूत और विश्वविद्यालयों में शिक्षा विभागों को उन्नत किया जाएगा। केंद्र और राज्यों के बीच धन बंटवारा 75:25 के अनुपात में होगा। 

Source: Dainik Bhaskar

टैंकर की चपेट में आकर शिक्षिका की मौत

टैंकर की चपेट में आकर शिक्षिका की मौत
टैंकर की चपेट में आकर शिक्षिका की मौत 
नई दिल्ली . खजूरी खास इलाके में एक तेज रफ्तार टैंकर ने बाइक को जोरदार टक्कर मार दी, जिससे एक शिक्षिका की मौत हो गई और एक शिक्षक घायल हो गया। पुलिस ने टैंकर को जब्त कर चालक को गिरफ्तार कर लिया है। पुलिस के अनुसार संगीता (32) अपने परिजनों के साथ मकान संख्या सी-5/6, यमुना विहार में रहती थी। वह उस्मानपुर दूसरा पुश्ता स्थित एमसीडी स्कूल में टीचर थी। गुरुवार दोपहर को स्कूल से घर लौटने के लिए वह पुश्ता रोड पर ऑटो का इंतजार कर रही थी। तभी बाइक सवार उसका एक जानकार जावेद उसे मिल गया। जावेद घोंडा स्थित एमसीडी स्कूल में टीचर है। उसने संगीता को लिफ्ट देने की बात कही। इसके बाद दोनों बाइक से खजूरी चौक पहुंचे। तभी वहां एक तेज रफ्तार टैंकर ने उनकी बाइक को टक्कर मार दी, जिससे संगीता व जावेद घायल हो गए। मामले की जानकारी पुलिस को दी गई तथा टैंकर चालक को पकड़ लिया गया। दोनों घायलों को गुरु तेग बहादुर अस्पताल ले जाया गया, जहां डॉक्टरों ने संगीता को मृत घोषित कर दिया। जबकि, जावेद को उपचार के बाद छुट्टी दे दी। पुलिस ने आरोपी टैंकर चालक फूल बाबू के खिलाफ मामला दर्ज कर उसे गिरफ्तार कर लिया है। टैंकर चालक समस्तीपुर (बिहार) का रहने वाला है।

Source: Dainik bhaskar

Friday, March 23, 2012

Govt asked to give funds for bailing out new corporations

Govt asked to give funds for bailing out new corporations

New Delhi: With the municipal polls less than a month away, the urban development department has presented the roadmap for MCD trifurcation before the Delhi cabinet. 
    An assessment of the financial health of the three new corporations, being carved out of the existing Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD), shows that loan and contractor liabilities will push each into having a defi
cit budget. Hence, the roadmap urges the Sheila Dikshit government to make provisions for Rs 1,100 crore in its budget and divide the funds among the new entities. 
    Dikshit has said the cabinet has already discussed the roadmap and the process is under review. The MCD split is being carried out according to the provisions of the Delhi Municipal Corporation of Delhi (Amendment) Act 2011 that was notified on January 13, 2012. 
    The trifurcation roadmap, prepared by the state-appointed director of local bodies, also proposes the concept of lead corporation to deal 
with the court cases involving more than one corporation. MCD’s chief law officer will segregate all such cases and the director of local bodies will designate the lead corporation on a case-to-case basis. 
    Besides, the establishment of the corporations, its paraphernalia like furniture and IT infrastructure, and setting up the directorate of local bodies are expected to cost an additional Rs 100 crore. 
    The fourth Delhi Finance Commission, which has been charged with the task to go into the details of distribution of assets and liabilities among all three corporations, is expected to give its interim recommendations by March 31. After the corporations come into existence following the elections on April 15, their individual budgets for 2012-13 will be finalized. 

    The roadmap also clears the air on critical issues like collection and distribution of toll tax. The director of local bodies is likely to centrally control the departments of toll tax, printing and information technology, and the election office. 
    The central record room in the civil lines zone is also proposed to be under him. A copy of all standing committee resolutions since 2011 will be placed here and a copy will be sent to each corporation. 
    On the other hand, the roadmap proposes to decentralize departments like vigilance and audit, and the remunerative projects cell. 

Source: Times of India

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Students get only 6% of edu funds

Students get only 6% of edu funds

Rest Of The Money Spent On Teachers, Management Costs, Painting Walls

Himanshi Dhawan TNN 

New Delhi: It’s hardly a surprise that just half the country’s children studying in Class V can read a Class II textbook, and far lesser can do basic arithmetic. 
    India’s budget for elementary education has doubled between 2009 and 2012, and yet learning abilities continue to stagnate. A new survey has found that despite a funds hike, 78% of the education budget was invested in teachers and management costs, with students receiving a mere 6% of the total spend. Particularly popular was whitewashing of walls and expenditure on school events. 
    Between 2009-2010 and 2011-2012, funds for India’s elementary education hiked 
from Rs 26,169 crore to Rs 55,746 crore (including state and central share). Across India, per child allocation has increased from Rs 2,004 in 2009-2010 to Rs 4,269 in 2011-2012. But, most of this money was used to build school-level inputs through a large education bureaucracy — controlled and managed by both state and Centre — according to PAISA report by Pratham and Accountability Initiative. 
    Between April, 2010, and November, 2011, schools 
spent their money on essential supplies, 68% schools whitewashed their walls, 69% spent on school functions, 89% purchased charts, globe and registers. 
    Pointing out this disparity in increased outlays that have not led to improved outcomes, Accountability Initiative director Yamini Aiyar said, “PAISA did not find any co-relation between expenditure on teachers and children’s learning levels. In fact, increased outlays does not mean an improvement in outcomes and we found that teacher training and investments on children were under-prioritized in favour of school infrastructure and teacher’s costs.’’ 
    The study was conducted in 14,283 schools in seven 
states across rural India. Of the SSA budget, school grants account for a mere 5% of the allocation. Though small, these are the only funds over which school management panels can exercise some expenditure control. 
    The report has expressed concern over the “top-heavy” approach in disbursal of grants under SSA pointing out that schools did not receive according to their requirements. It was also found that while in theory it is not important but in practice release of funds was linked to a utilization certificate given for earlier expenditures. “We find that whitewashing is so popular because it is a job that is quick and easy and requires very little effort on part of the school,” Aiyar added.

Source: Times of India

पोस्टल बैलेट से वोट डालना है तो पहले देनी होगी सूचना

पोस्टल बैलेट से वोट डालना है तो पहले देनी होगी सूचना
नई दिल्ली, जासं : जिन कर्मचारियों की ड्यूटी चुनाव में लगी है और वह अपने वार्ड क्षेत्र में वोट डालना चाहते हैं तो उन्हें इसकी सूचना रिटर्निग ऑफिसर को पहले ही देनी होगी। जिससे कि उनके लिए पोस्टल बैलेट की व्यवस्था पहले से कर ली जाए। कई कर्मचारियों की शिकायत रहती है कि निर्वाचन आयोग आम लोगों को तो वोट देने के लिए नसीहत देता रहता है, लेकिन जो सरकारी कर्मचारी चुनाव ड्यूटी में रहते हैं उनके लिए विशेष व्यवस्था नहीं की जाती। इस संबंध राज्य निर्वाचन आयुक्त राकेश मेहता कहते हैं कि इस तरह की व्यवस्था नहीं है कि चुनाव ड्यूटी में तैनात होने वाले सभी कर्मचारियों के लिए अनिवार्य रूप से पोस्टल बैलेट की व्यवस्था की जाए। लेकिन जो कर्मचारी निगम चुनाव में वोट देना चाहते हैं, उन्हें पहले ही रिटर्निग ऑफिसर को आवेदन देना होगा कि वह पोस्टल बैलेट से वोट देना चाहते हैं। क्योंकि चुनाव वाले दिन सभी कर्मचारी तड़के ही अपनी ड्यूटी पर तैनात हो जाते हैं और उन्हें तत्काल पोस्टल बैलेट उपलब्ध नहीं कराया जा सकता है। पोस्टल बैलेट पर वह अपने पसंद के प्रत्याशी को वोट दे सकते हैं। चुनाव कार्य में लगे कर्मचारी परेशान राज्य निर्वाचन आयोग के स्थानीय कर्मचारी तो गिनती के होते हैं। लेकिन चुनाव संबंधी कार्यो के लिए सैकड़ों की संख्या में अन्य विभागों में तैनात कर्मचारियों को ड्यूटी पर लगाया गया है। एक कर्मचारी का कहना था कि वह कई कई घंटे अतिरिक्त कार्य कर रहे हैं। वहीं स्थायी कर्मचारी अपना काम किए बिना ही तय समय पर कार्यालय से निकल जाते हैं। लेकिन राज्य निर्वाचन आयोग द्वारा उनके लिए चाय नाश्ते और भोजन का प्रबंध तक नहीं किया गया है। जिससे उन्हें चाय पीने भी बाहर जाना पड़ता है। जबकि विधायक और सांसद के चुनाव का जिम्मा संभालने वाले मुख्य चुनाव कार्यालय में उनके लिए इन सब की अतिरिक्त व्यवस्था की जाती थी। इस संबंध में राज्य निर्वाचन आयोग के एक अधिकारी कहते हैं कि बाहर से आने वाले कर्मचारियों के लिए विशेष व्यवस्था करने के प्रयास किए जा रहे हैं जिससे उन्हें परेशानी न हो।

Source: Dainik Jagran

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Post office, PPF rates to rise by up to 50 basis pts

Post office, PPF rates to rise by up to 50 basis pts

Higher Returns To Start Coming In From April 1

Sidhartha TNN 

New Delhi: There is finally some good news for individuals on the back of duty hikes and a cut in the provident fund rate. The government is raising the interest rate on small savings schemes such as National Savings Certificate (NSC) and post office deposits by 20-50 basis points (100 basis points equal 1 percentage point). 
    The new rates, however, 

will be applicable on investments that you make from April 1 and not on those that you park over the next 10 days to meet your tax-saving requirements. 
    As a result, NSC and public provident fund (PPF), which is a voluntary deposit as opposed to employee provident fund, will earn you 8.8-8.9% instead of 8.6% a year. 
    The shorter tenure deposits, such as term deposits in post offices, are expected to fetch you more than the long
er tenure products such as public provident fund or the 10-year NSC. Savings bank accounts in post offices will, however, not see any change as the 4% return is in line with what most banks pay at present. 
    The increase in small savings rates, which is expected to be notified by the finance ministry, is in sync with the new policy to link returns on the popular savings instruments with the interest rate on government bonds. 
Small change in rate, but returns much bigger 
New Delhi: While the government has decided to increase the interest rate on small savings schemes by 20-50 basis points, the actual benefits may be much more. 

    A scheme like PPF may look less attractive than bank deposits (which offer 9%), but with a minimum term of 15 years, it comes with additional tax sops. Not only is it part of the 80C benefits which entitles taxpayers to get a concession of up to Rs 1 lakh a year, the interest earned on the deposits is also tax-free. So, at the revised rates, the actual return for someone in the 30% tax bracket will work out to 12%. 

    In addition, the rate of return on small savings schemes that will be notified will be for the full financial year, while bank deposit rates are expected to come down with the RBI widely predicted to begin the rate cut cycle. Even before lending rates come down, banks will start pruning returns on deposits to lower their cost of funds. 
    The move to raise small savings rates comes barely a fortnight after the Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) slashed the annual return from 9.5% last year to 8.25% for the current financial year based on a decision taken by the finance ministry. In the Budget, finance minister Pranab Mukherjee decided to increase the excise duty and service tax rates from 10% to 12% which will put a burden of Rs 35,000 crore on consumers. He, however, offered some concession by way of an increase in exemption limit for direct tax from Rs 1.8 lakh to Rs 2 lakh.

Source: Times of India